All about our Garden Store and Ordering

We are excited to offer our plants to you via our online shop! Learn a little bit more about our offerings here

A little about our seedlings

All our vegetable, herb and flower seedlings are raised by our team of plant lovers, using certified organic potting mix. To this we add extra certified organic fertilisers such as gypsum, dolomite lime, Soil Force rock dust blend plus blood and bone. And a generous dose of TLC!

We also inoculate our potting mix with beneficial fungi and bacteria such as Trichoderma, mycorrhizal fungi, and nitrogen fixing bacteria, which in turn will colonise the soil. These protect the plants against soil borne disease and improve their growth. 

About Ordering

The Garden Store has been customised to enable you to pre-order plants for a desired time frame. If there is anything you can’t see please email us your wish list!


All orders from the Garden Store will be delivered on Fridays, to your location of choice. We will notify you when they are on their way! We will do our best to deliver your seedlings during the timeframe you choose. As you know, Mother Nature is boss, so in the off chance that they will be a week behind, we will notify you!


Payment is required with your order. In the event we are unable to supply all your requirements, we will refund the difference to your bank account. 

So please go ahead and browse our offerings! And do contact us if there are any specific varieties you would like us to grow for you!  We will do our best to supply you. 

Recycling / Return of our pots and punnets

We would be VERY appreciative if you would return our pots and punnets. We will  re-use them! You can drop them to us at the Saturday Market at Stonewall, leave them for us at the bus stop, labeled ‘Okiwi Passion’ (please not in a banana box because sometimes other folks pick those up), or if you’re in Okiwi – leave at our bamboo shelter!

Any questions?

If you have further questions, please reach out to us!  Please find us via the ‘Contact’ form, at or at 09 4290 137 or Caity on 021 212 7153