Welcome to our Garden Store
Have a browse through our wide variety of available seedlings, herbs,
mini garden tubs, garden supplies and more!
We will be at Stonewall Village Market on Saturdays from mid-August to mid-December
(Alert Levels Permitting)
Delivery – For now, order your plants online! We will arrange contactless deliveries on Fridays
Our plants are only available on Great Barrier Island. All prices include GST
Vegetable Seedlings
Our vegetable seedling varieties are chosen for their suitability to the season, growing conditions on Great Barrier Island, disease resistance and especially for their FLAVOUR! We have grown almost all the varieties here ourselves.
We grow traditional, open-pollinated heirloom varieties as well as F1 hybrids (usually for their increased disease resistance and production), always from untreated seed and organic where possible.
Seedling Delivery – Our seedlings will be delivered during the timeframe you choose below. We will be in touch to let you know when to expect your plants.
Type | Size | Price | Summary | Buy | hf:tags |
Herb Plants
Herbs have to be just about the easiest plants to grow and the great thing is that most of them are perennial. Here is a selection of herbs that do well on Aotea and will bring your meals to life!
Herb Plant Delivery – Our seedlings will be delivered during the timeframe you choose below. We will be in touch to let you know when to expect your plants.
Type | Size | Price | Description | Buy | hf:att:pa_how-long |
Flower Seedlings
On offer is a range of gorgeous colourful flower seedlings, many from our own hand collected seed. Not only do they feed the soul with their beauty, they also provide much-needed balance in the vegetable garden, supplying nectar and pollen for many useful insects that will pollinate crops as well as help control unwanted pests such as aphids and caterpillars!
Flower Seedling Delivery – Our flower seedlings will be delivered during the timeframe you choose below. We will be in touch to let you know when to expect your plants.
Type | Size | Price | Summary | Buy | hf:tags |
Mini Garden Tubs
We have increased the range of our popular herb and vegetable tubs – instant mini gardens of mature herbs, tomatoes, chili and lettuce – making it easier for visitors to be able to pick their own!
Pre-ordering preferred! We will have some on hand, but if you could order these well in advance that would be much appreciated
Mini Garden Tub Delivery – Our tubs will be delivered during the timeframe you choose below. We will be in touch to let you know when to expect them!
Tub Return Refund – You will receive a $5 refund for all tubs returned to Okiwi Passion!
Type | Size | Price | Summary | Buy | hf:tags |
Herb Tub, Mediterranean Mix | 13L tub | $55.00 | Oregano, basil, chives, sage and sweet marjoram – ready to snip away! $5 refund for tub return | herb|tubs |
Garden Supplies
Garden Supplies Delivery – Our garden supplies will be delivered on the date and location you choose at checkout.
Type | Size | Price | Summary | Buy | hf:att:pa_how-long |
Pest Control, Bt | 25g | $10.00 | Bt is the spores of the bacteria Bacillus thurungiensis. It is used to protect plants against caterpillar damage. It works by infecting the caterpillars that ingest it and killing them. Bt should be sprayed on plants in the evening, as sunshine will deactivate it. Spray when you notice the white butterflies re-appearing or on noticing caterpillar damage. Spray weekly until new growth is healthy and undamaged. Use on brassicas, tomatoes and corn (against tomato fruit worm, fall army worm, white butterfly capterpillars and looper caterpillar), lettuces (diamondback moth caterpillars). Dilution rate 1g per litre. Enough for 25 x 1 litre applications. | ||
Pest Control, Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) | 500g, 1kg | $16.00 – $29.00 | This Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is formed from the fossilised remains of fresh water diatoms, microscopic aquatic organisms. The particles of DE are very hard, sharp, and abrasive, yet highly absorbent, and dissolve in water. The composition is 88-92% silica of which 99% is amorphous silica, and contains 15 minerals including phosphorous, sodium, magnesium potassium, calcium, selenium, copper, zinc, iron, boron, chromium and manganese. It has multiple uses in the garden. (1) As a mechanical insecticide (not chemical) – meaning it simply acts as an abrasive against the exoskeleton of insects, causing them to dry out. We have used it very effectively against crickets which were making holes in our eggplants; it can be used for cockroaches, aphids (including root aphids), ants, earwigs and even wasps. (2) against chook mites dusted in their house plus added to their water to get rid of parasites. (3) As a fertiliser and foliar spray contributing primarily silica but also trace elements as listed above. The silica is super helpful in strengthening plant cell walls and helping them resist disease and sucking pests such as the Psyllid. Crops absorb the silica, and are therefore more nutritious. Silica is an essential nutrient for healthy, strong bones, teeth and hair, tendons and ligaments, and stimulates collagen production. Apply to soil or as a foliar spray mixed in water at the rate of 4 grams per litre or 500g per 200l (sufficient for one acre) every 10 days. (4) as an animal feed supplement at 2% of the feed ration. It is very well tolerated by mammals, including humans. Caution: Take care not to breathe DE dust into the lungs it is very damaging to the lining. Wear a mask at all times when handling. | ||
Pest Control, Dusk Slug and Snail Bait | 400g | $10.00 | The active ingredient in Dusk is chelated iron. It is non toxic to mammals and birds, but will affect freshwater animals. This is a water-resistant commercial formulation that will remain active after rain. Apply sparingly as needed, around individual plants or around the border of the garden beds.
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Pest Control, Neem Granules | 500g, 1kg | $10.00 – $18.00 | Neem Granules are added to the soil at planting time to protect plants susceptible to the Green Vegetable bug (aka stinkbug/green shield beetle) eg tomatoes, beans, capsicums. It is absorbed into the plant and discourages the beetles feeding and if ingested, interferes with their reproduction. Use one generous handful per plant. For established plants, use the tines of a hand fork or digging fork to make clean puncture holes in the soil about 15 cm away from the plant base and sprinkle the granules into the holes and cover with soil. Repeat monthly when plants start to set fruit. There are reports that Neem Granules are effective against grass grub too, would be worth trying against bronze beetle. These Neem granules are sourced from Native Neem.